Panjab University Online Examination Form
Under Graduate Examination( May 2025 )
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EXAMINATION, 2014-2015


B.A. (General) 1st Year (Semester System) study programme consists of two compulsory subjects and three elective subjects :

Compulsory subjects are :

  1. Punjabi OR History & Culture of Punjab
  2. English

Elective Subjects are:

A student is required to take up 3 elective subjects in all, selecting not more than one subject from any of the following sets of combinations. :
For Example:
  • Selecting Hindi and Urdu from (1) and History from (3) is the WRONG selection.
  • Selecting Economics ,Education, Fine Arts from (2) is also the WRONG selection.
  • Selecting Hindi from (1) and History from (3) and Computer Science from (7) is RIGHT Selection.
  1. English, Hindi, Punjabi, Bengali, Urdu, Persian, Tamil, French,Arabic, Russian, German, Kannada, Malayalam, Telugu
  2. Economics, Defence & Strategic Studies, Fine Arts, Education, Adult Education, History of Art.
  3. History, Mathematics.
  4. Public Administration, Home Science, Gandhian Studies, Philosophy.
  5. Political Science, Statistics* , Applied Statistics; Indian Classical Dance, Human Rights and Duties.
  6. Sanskrit, Physical Education, Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology, Psychology, Geography.
  7. Computer Science, Agriculture, Sociology.
  8. Music (Instrumental), Women’s Studies, Music (Tabla), Environment Conservation.
  9. Music (Vocal), Police Administration, Journalism & Mass Communication.
  10. Mass Communication-Video Production,Functional English,Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Management,Foreign Trade Practices and Procedures,Office Management & Secretarial Practice,Computer Application,Functional Hindi,Tax Procedures & Practice,Principles and Practice of Insurance,Information Technology,Fashion Designing,Early Childhood Care & Education

Note : The students can opt. only two elective subjects from the following :
     Music (Instrumental), Music (Vocal), Music (Tabla) and Indian Classical Dance.
* Statistics can be opted only with Mathematics